Ongoing projects / research: PICUREP

Ongoing projects / research: PICUREP

PICUREP PROJECT (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) The Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities gave the research project Development of ecological repellents, polymer formulations and effective diffusers against red stilts: PicuRep the following aid in euros: Financial...
Ongoing projects / research: PICUREP

Projets/recherche en cours. PICUREP

PROJET PICUREP (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) Le Ministère de l’Innovation Scientifique et des Universités a donné le projet de recherche Développement de répulsifs écologiques, formulations de polymères et diffuseurs efficaces contre les échasses rouges: PicuRep l’aide...
XIX aniversari del Palmeral d’Elx com a Patrimoni de la humanitat

19th Anniversary of Elche as Palmeral as a World Heritage Site

Action The Volem Palmerar Association and various local groups convened on November 30, 2019 a day of garden cleaning to raise awareness of their maintenance in commemoration of the 19th anniversary of the Universial Heritage Declaration granted to the Palmeral...